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South Downs Show - Queen Elizabeth Country Park

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Raven NFAS Open Shoot 2019 - two day combined results

(photos courtesy of Jason Sawdy)


28th December 2019

Congratulations to Ken Whittaker on his gold (gents PV) and Steve Palmer on his silver (gents CUL) at South Wilts Not Boxing Day Shoot today 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I hear it was a tad muddy!

21st July 2019 - NFAS Master Hunter 3D Shoot at South Wilts

A large contingent of Ravens entered the South Wilts Master Hunter shoot on 21st July, including four members who did their beginner's course this year, and for whom it was their first ever NFAS competition.

Congratulations to Ian Clothier for achieving a Master Hunter patch for Gents Compound Limited, to Emma for her silver (first shoot and she won a medal!) and Pat Luff for her bronze, both in Ladies FS, and one of our other members* who won Silver in Ladies Bowhunter.  

* Name withheld under GDPR preferences 

13th & 14th July 2019

Well done to our AGB club members Archie and Andrew Crawford, who competed in the Overton Black Arrows Watership Down Open and Hampshire Field Championships at the weekend. Archie won gold in the Open for U15 boys Compound Unlimited (red peg) and of all the gents, came second to British champ Tapani Kalmaru. 

Archie beat his personal bests for unmarked and marked to achieve three new UK records. As Archie previously chose Oxfordshire as his county this year, under AGB rules, he disappointingly couldn't be awarded the Hampshire Championship trophy.

Raven members who also shot under other AGB club affiliation included John Foley (new Hampshire Champion Gents Compound Unlimited), Richard Heathcote (new Hampshire Champion Gents Barebow) and Stephen List. Well done to all.

Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June 2019

A couple of Raven members shot at Lilleshall this weekend in the exciting AGB National County Team Tournament. It was also a personal battle between John Foley, shooting for the Hampshire B Gents compound team, and Archie Crawford (14), who was invited to shoot for the Oxfordshire Gents compound team.

On Saturday, Oxon came fourth in the team head-to-head matches and Hampshire B came fifth. Archie pulled up his form in the second half of the WA 720 match to pip John to the post by 4 points.

On Sunday, John's Hampshire team, quite rightly 😜 beat Archie's Oxfordshire team the WA 1440, coming fifth overall. The personal battle however, was won by Archie by 3 points! Well done to both our members on what must have been an exciting competition right to the last end!

Also we must congratulate our coach Ken's son, Simon Scott for not only being in the winning team, but also for having the top individual score in Gents Compound.

Here's the link to the results

Photos courtesy of Malcolm Rees

25th & 26th May 2019

Pictured below are John Foley and Archie Crawford who competed in the 2019 All British and Open Field Championships in Northern Ireland.   

Congratulations to Archie who won U18 men Compound Unlimited to become a UK Field Archery Champion!  His medal was awarded by Lady Mary Peters.

The results are here:

13th April 2019

Very well done to Archie Crawford, who not only picked up a gold for U15 boys Compound Unlimited at Kendal, two new National records for unmarked and combined, but shooting from the adult pegs, also managed third place out of all the gents in his first WA field competition. Good shooting Archie! 👏👏👏

31st January 2019

Thanks to Steve, Roy, Richard, Andrew, Reg, Ian and Terry who were kind enough to give up their time, braving the cold and providing much needed muscle on Thursday to help our landlord Paddy with his woodland management. 

Steve said, "It was so cold, nothing worked unless you sat on the fires, (3 of them)!"


30th December 2018


The South Wilts Not Boxing Day Shoot is always a popular one, and four of our Ravens went along yesterday, on what turned out to be a beautifully mild and perfect shooting day. Congratulations to Steve Palmer for silver in Gents Freestyle and Yvonne Munro for bronze in Ladies Traditional Bowhunter.


*photo credits to Alan White, South Wilts Archery Club

30th November 2018


Congratulations to Ravens members who have shot AGB County and/or National record scores in competitions this year.

15-16 September 2018

A few official NFAS pictures from the NFAS National Championships in Oxfordshire that five of us went to. Beautiful weather both days and two very enjoyable animal faces courses. We all had a great time.

WA European 3D Championships, Sweden 17-21 September 2018

Day 1 and the first 24 3Ds, our own AGB club member, Jed Cullen, did really well in 8th place. In fact, he was the highest placed Team GB member in all the categories.


Day 2 at the European 3D Championships in the grounds of Gothenburg's 14th century ruin, Bohus Fortress, and Jed made it through to the eliminations! According to Alex Newnes (longbow), the targets were a bit closer (nothing over 30M anyway for Jed) and we know Jed prefers the longer shots. After a bit of a slow start, he ended up in 13th place, in good company with Jason Meehan (Barebow) and Gary Cole (Compound) also both in 13th, as they went forward to the Head to Head matches. 


The European 3D Championships ended for all the remaining Team GB members in the windy/rainy eliminations, so no medals for us this year. Our Jed did well but was beaten by one point in his match, and ended with a final ranking of 16th for Men's Instinctive. 
Jed, we are really proud of you, not many people go to represent GB, but you did it. It must feel great to know you're amongst the top instinctive archers in Europe. Good shooting!

9th August 2018

Well done to Archie Crawford, who enjoyed his first ASA Classic 3D event in Cullman, Alabama, USA last weekend, made possible by his sponsor Tony Weston and The Archery Company. As well as winning some money for second place in a team competition, he had an amazing experience and is looking forward to a return visit.

15th July 2018

Four Ravens took part in the South Wilts NFAS Master Hunter Shoot. This is a 3D shoot where one arrow is shot from each of the red and white pegs and both arrows are scored.  Master Hunter patches were awarded to archers who achieved scores above the average of the three top scores in the category. Congratulations to Sue Kenworthy who was awarded a patch for first place in Ladies HT.  Our Quicks Pro-staff member Phil Adams also shot very well and was awarded a patch for second in Gents AFB.   

8th July 2018

Once upon a time.... Raven Field Archers received an invitation from a very friendly archery club, Talisman Bowmen, to bring a team of four to shoot their Strawberry Invitational AGB Imperial target shoot. The field archers were so pleased to be invited that they really wanted to accept, and so with varying amounts of persuasion and juggling, they managed to form a team. The promise of strawberries and cream may have had something to do with it!


Roll on 8th July, a swelteringly hot day, and the little band of field archers, Steve Palmer, Sue Kenworthy, Archie Crawford and Jamie Cole arrived in Park Gate to shoot 48 arrows at 60/40 yards and 24 arrows at 50/30 yards (adults/juniors). For three of the archers, it was the first round of this type they'd shot, and for Archie, the first target competition he'd done.


For field archers, they didn't do too badly....

Archie won the Supreme Archer award, and Junior Compound Unlimited gold for his top (perfect) score of 648, equalling the National record. Jamie won gold for Gents Compound Unlimited, with 4 points off the National record, despite feeling unwell and having an equipment failure. Sue was melting but took gold for Ladies Longbow. And the team took team bronze.


Not bad for a bunch of field archers, and that's no fairy story! Thanks to Talisman Bowmen for their hospitality.

29th May 2018


Last weekend saw eight Ravens head to Plymouth for the National Field Archery Society's annual event, the National 3Ds - six to compete and two to walk the courses. This is a two-day competition over several different courses depending on bow style. Everyone had a most enjoyable weekend and we are thrilled to announce that our very own Junior Raven, Archie Crawford, won the Under 16 Boys NFAS National 3D Championship for Compound Unlimited with 1676 points and 43 spots over the two days. This time, he had plenty of competition and achieved the 11th highest score amongst all the archers! Congratulations Archie!



Congratulations to Ken Whittaker who achieved a silver medal for Gents Primitive in the NFAS National 3Ds in Plymouth at the weekend... great shooting Ken, especially with those self-nocked arrows!


Congratulations also to Jed Cullen who achieved a bronze medal  for Gents HT in the NFAS National  3Ds.


Well done to Mike Berriman who was one of three of our Archery GB affiliated Ravens to make it around the most difficult terrain of the two day All British and Open WA field tournament at Overton at the weekend, achieving 5th place in  Gents Traditional. As one of our most senior members, that is a fantastic achievement and just goes to show that if you shoot regularly and keep fit, archery can be a sport to enjoy whatever your age.  Well done to Jamie Cole who came 6th place in Gents Compound Unlimited.       

Our members are proudly listed by Hampshire Archery Association here:

NFAS open shoot results 29th April 2018


We held our open shoot at Head Down, part of the Queen Elizabeth Country Park in the South Downs, about 1 mile from Buriton in Hampshire. Head Down has one of the highest spots in Hampshire, plenty of well-managed woodland and large areas of wild garlic in parts.     


We treated 78 archers to 36 challenging 3D targets, made more challenging because of the brisk wind and surprisingly chilly temperatures for late April, of around 7°C!      The  catering team were kept busy  serving hot  food and drinks to keep everyone warm. As it's not our normal club ground, the planning and work that goes into running a  shoot by the field and catering crew is  an  amazing feat and always deserves a huge round of applause.     Thanks to all the archers who gave us such great feedback!

We are delighted that three Raven Field Archers Archery GB members achieved national rankings for 2017 in field archery, in men's compound and ladies traditional. At least three competitions must be shot and the rankings are based on the best three scores of the year.


Please right click on the GNAS logo and open in a new tab for complete results

We have two new NFAS coaches! Congratulations to both Kens on this achievement!

31st December 2017

Congratulations to Ravens who have shot in competitions this week.

Jed Cullen, Shelly and Sue Kenworthy at Friars Gate Archers 30x3D shoot on Friday, where Shelly took gold (recurve) and Jed took silver (trad).

Roy and, Pat Luff, Steve Palmer, Stephen, Ken Whittaker, Ken Scott, Ben Barker, Calvin, Nathan, Yvonne Munro, Shelly and Sue Kenworthy at South Wilts Not Boxing Day 30x3D/Hessians shoot yesterday, where Nathan took gold (compound), Ken S took silver (crossbow) and Sue took bronze (HT), and Stephen won the Hargreaves trophy .

 2017 Raven Field Archers' Christmas shoot & meal

10th September 2017 - The rain stayed away for most of the day for our “Have-a-go" today at the Country Sports Day near Alresford. It was lovely seeing more smiles on faces from the very young to the very mature! Many thanks to all who helped.